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Get Free DoFollow Backlinks from IMDb.com DR 93

Get Free DoFollow Backlinks from IMDb.com DR 93

My tutorial focuses on how to get free dofollow backlinks from high-quality websites. For building a successful website, an effective SEO link-building strategy is essential and should always be part of your approach for your site or blog.

I’ve researched how to obtain a backlink from IMDb.com, and it’s quite simple once you know the process. IMDb is the world’s leading source for movies and entertainment Acquiring backlinks from this site will not only boost your site’s ranking but also enhance your authority within your blog niche

“IMDb (Internet Movie Database) is an online database of information related to films, television series, podcasts, home videos, video games, and streaming content online – including cast, production crew and personal biographies, plot summaries, trivia, ratings, and fan and critical reviews” Source Wikipedia

To rank higher on Google, building quality backlinks is the right strategy. However, it’s important to note that not all backlinks are beneficial—only high-quality ones can positively impact your rankings

So, you need to understand the kind of backlinks you are getting for your website. As mentioned in my previous tutorial, I discussed the importance of publishing your backlinks on reputable sites Also, at the end of this blog post, I will update the best social media channel for indexing your backlinks.

Imagine getting this great backlink from IMDB.com without indexing it, it’s pretty frustrating, so you need to make use of social media channels like Telegram and social bookmarking sites for all your backlinks for fast indexing.

How to Get Free Dofollow From IMBD.com (Movies & Television series website)

Beginnings are scary, endings are usually sad, but it’s the middle that counts the most. You have to remember this when you find yourself at the beginning. Just give hope a chance to float up, and it will. [Sandra Bullock]

Now, let’s go big fans, Sandra encourages us to embrace our journey, not just focusing on victory. So, we should focused on getting the right backlink for our blog, while Google do the rest.

Lets begin,

Sign up for free at IMDb.com

To sign up at IMDB.com is pretty straightforward, you don’t need tutorial to learn that.

Sign up here!

Get Free DoFollow Backlinks from IMDb.com DR 93
Free DoFollow Backlinks from IMDb.com

IMDB provides you with lot of options when signing on their platform, you can Google, Amazon, Apple and Facebook. We are here to create a a new account, so click the CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT section.

Free DoFollow Backlinks from IMDb.com DR 93

Now, it is time to insert your name, email and password, choose a strong password for your profile protection and click the CREATE YOUR IMDb ACCOUNT. After clicking, just solve the captcha puzzle. Open your user email to confirm your OTP number.

Boom!, you profile is ready at IMDB.com. To make your user profile more engaging, upload your picture and other configure other settings like contributing to reviews and adding your favorite movies to profile. It’s simply a choice, if you want.

Create Dofollow at IMDB.com

You might be wondering how to get a backlink on IMDb—I’m here to guide you through the process.

First, navigate to the upper right corner, open the MENU on your Dashboard, and click on ACCOUNT SETTINGS.

(https://www.imdb.com/registration/accountsettings .)

Then, click EDIT PROFILE https://www.imdb.com/activity/edit profile and edit USER ID, your name, company or prefered chocie will be okay.

Edit the BIO, this is where miracle happens. Now, insert your blog or website links with a BBCode (Bulletin Board Code) format.


for longer URL [link=https://domain.name/keyword-anchor/]Keyword Anchor[/link]

Then hit the SAVE DESCRIPTION. Boom you have gotten yourself a free backlink.

For clarity and understanding, not everyone understand the basic of coding. so the BBCode (Bulletin Board Code) might be a new thing for some bloggers.

Now, let me give a perfect example how to use them on IMDb.com

For example, if I want to add my site on IMDb bio section for backlink, then I will write, [link=https://ozoseo.com.ng/]Get free dofollow backlinks at IMDb[/link]

When you view your profile section, you will only see the anchor link text (Get Free dofollow Backlink at IMDb). Hopefully, you really understand this tutorial.

To view your newly created dofollow backlink, go to your dashboard in the upper right corner, click on YOUR RATINGS, or simply use this link https://www.imdb.com/list/ratings you will see your profile link. Simply remove /rating from the URL to access your IMDb profile.

Remember, all the links you’ve added on IMDb are dofollow backlinks. So, grab a coffee, sit back, and smile—you did it!.

Publish Your New Backlink Now!

The first step is get the backlinks while the best option is getting them indexed pretty fast. There are lots of SEO tools pro version you can use to index your backlinks. The truth is that, you don’t need to spend a lot of money in blogging or getting your backlinks indexed.

I have selected some pages you can publish your links to get them index. This social media and bookmarking sites includes, Provenexpert.com, Lasso.net, Start.me, Telegram and AllMyFaves.com.

There are other social media channels you can use to publish your link that offers quality linkjuice to your blog. In my SEO blog, I probably select the best landing pages and high quality profile creation sites for publishing my backlinks.

SEO tools for Indexing Backlinks

Understanding the importance of indexing your backlinks will help your Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Here, I will provide the best SEO tools for your backlinks.

Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a powerful tool that help webmasters, SEO professional, and website owners to understand the performance of their site on Google search.

So, as a website owner, utilizing this free SEO tool indexing your backlinks should be your priority. It is totally free.

We have other third party indexing tools for your SEO works.

Omega Indexer

Screenshot 2024 09 11 190932

Omega Indexer is a powerful SEO tool for backlink indexing. You can simply sign up by  clicking Get Started Now! to add your username, email, and password.

Here, they will take care of all your indexing issues. so, you can give it a try.

You can also try these tools too,

  1. Link Processor
  2. Indexmenow
  3. Gindex
  4. Instant Link Indexer
  5. Elite Link Indexer
  6. Indexification
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Get Free DoFollow Backlinks from IMDb.com DR 93

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